Join Us!

Current Positions Open

There are currently no positions open. Any future openings will be announced here and pinned to the top of my Twitter page.

Lab Information

Those interested in joining our lab should have strong interests in population, community, and conservation ecology. While researchers in our lab are motivated by the application of our research towards conservation and management, we have fundamental interests in basic ecology and quantitative methods. The empirical side of my own research is focused on large vertebrates, like penguins, wolves, and caribou, but I'm happy to advise students working on any taxa or system best-suited to answering their scientific questions! I expect any incoming graduate student to have experience in (or strong motivation to learn) a programming language (R, Matlab, Julia, etc.) and statistical fundamentals. Please feel free to check out our research projects or publications to get a better idea of what we work on!

I am deeply committed to promiting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the field of wildlife ecology. To that end, I welcome any students who are members of racial or ethnic minorities, first generation college students, from a low-income background, those identifying as women or LGBTQIA+, and those with disabilities.

Graduate Students and Postdocs

If you're interested in joining the lab, look out for opportunities posted on this page. Outside of the opportunities posted, due to limited departmental funding, I can only accept graduate students or postdocs that have funding identified (or would like to develop and apply for funding for a project). I would encourage all prospective students to pursue alternative internal and external funding opportunities available. If you're interested in developing a proposal, please send me an email. Please make sure to tell me who you are, what your research interests are, why you want to pursue a degree in my lab, and include your CV.

Graduate Student Funding

Here's a list of internal funding opportunities available at Utah State:

Here's a list of external funding opportunities:

Postdoctoral Research Funding

I welcome postdoctoral researchers with independent funding, or those who would like to pursue funding to reach out. Here are some fellowship opportunities: